Hi There...
I'm an Australian Product Designer living in Detroit, Michigan. My visual design experience spans over a decade ranging from grassroots cultural and sustainability organizations, to sport and multi-national corporations. This rich design background and professionality bolsters my shift into the ever-changing field of human-centred design. 
Intrigue to understand, interact and detail human behavior, I'm intrinsically driven to resolve complex problems in a simple succinct manner.

Burst Your Bubble
Growing up in an Australian culture that embraces and encourages travel was something I didn't shy away from. If life starts to feel a little static, there's nothing better than 'bursting that bubble' and jetting off into new territory.
Over the last 15 years I've been privileged to have experienced diverse cultures around the globe including South East Asia, South East Africa, North America, South America, England, Scotland, Switzerland, Italy, India, Indonesia, and some.
Travel certainly shaped the person I am today... contributing to perspective and bold decision making, plus communications and interactions with humans abroad. Additionally, it enabled me to explore a wide range of products, systems and services from a design point of view. 
What's on the horizon? Italian road trip. 

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