People Like You strives, through education, peer support and training to improve the lives of those people suffering from mental illness. Be that a patient, parent, sibling or friend. We aim to allow all people affected by mental illness to be unhindered and free from prejudice in their right to the pursuit of happiness, recovery and a fulfilling life.
PLY managed a farm 40mins outside of Melbourne where it ran a program called the Fresh Project. It encouraged 'people affected' to plant, maintain, harvest and take home fresh produce from a safe environment. Interaction with animals and equine therapy was integral. 
My role was to rebrand the organisation from the ground up. Spending time out on the farm, attending Fresh Project initiatives and working directly with the founder/director throughout the design process proved a fantastic learning curve for both of us - from research through to design applications.  

 Logo Design  |  Promotional Material: Digital/Print  |  Web Site Concepts & Wire Frames  |  Signage
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